Mentoring (coaching for freelancers)
Helping you to make the right decisions

It's okay to ask for help
Freelancing is hard.
Why? Because freelancing is really running a business, and running a business is hard.
So what can you do? Well, you have two options. First off you can spend a lot of time reading up on blog posts, articles, podcasts, etc, and try to piece this together all by yourself. And if you don't have any money this is the only way to go. Just realize it will take time to learn it all.
But what if you don't want to wait and you want to start earning more now? Well if you want to invest in yourself then I recommend coaching. Spend time with me and I'll help you figure out your pricing, your pitching, and how to run a better freelancing business.
For instance, let's talk about pricing. Say that you were a developer and you were charging $35 per hour. You might think it's a good wage because you were just starting out, but you can do better. I can teach you how to get the confidence to charge $100 per hour and put you on a track to charge even more. So I ask you, what's the cost of not being coached. Well... it's a lot. (and for you math nerds, assume a 100 hour project, and if you raised your rate to $100 per hour you'd make $6,500 more on that project alone (($100 -$35) * 100 = $6,500), not to mention you'll keep on making more on each new project you take on.
A Good Fit
I only work with a select group of students, and only 8 at a time. This means that I'll be able to give you personalized attention. Also, if we work together I'll push you. I'll give you tasks to do, and I expect that you'll do them. They aren't crazy hard tasks, but I expect that you follow through, and that you'll do your work.
The Result
The result is that you'll have more guidance, more direction, and you'll have more help. You'll be able to springboard your freelancing career, which will give you more money. And that money will help you to have more time to do the things you want to do (like travel, hike, fish, go to movies, and visit family.
There are two packages that you can choose from. Each package has a 3 month minimum commitment, but you can keep going or just cancel after that. Experience shows that students do better if they work on their freelance practice for more than one month. My goal is that after three months you won't need me, and you'll be doing quite well on your own. You can keep on working with me if you need, but three months is a good start.
"Just Need a Little Guidance" Package
$300 per month (3 month minimum):
- (1) 45-minute skype call each month. We'll talk about your freelancing practice, and help you work through some of your largest problems.
- A recording of our session that you can review at any time.
- Weekly accountability emails. I'll check on you each week and make sure you are doing what you are suppose to be doing.
- Reasonable email access. You'll get direct access to me via email, (which only my clients get) and I'll answer other questions you have. Usually I respond within a day or two
"I need lotsa help" Package
$500 per month (3 month minimum):
- (2) 45-minute skype calls each month. We'll talk about your freelancing practice, and help you work through some of your largest problems.
- A recording of our session that you can review at any time.
- Weekly accountability emails. I'll check on you each week and make sure you are doing what you are suppose to be doing.
- Reasonable email access. You'll get direct access to me via email, (which only my clients get) and I'll answer other questions you have. Usually I respond within a day or two
And I look forward to working with you! It will be good to learn more about who you are, what you want to do, and help you get there. I've mentored and guided multiple students on their freelancing career, and I am sure that I can help you.
So if you are ready, pick a package, and apply! In the meantime, keep learning, keep growing, and here's a toast to the future. A bright future. Your future.
Keep on learning.
-Stephen Godfrey